5つのスタンスを教えるために、教師のガイドによる探究学習を使おう Using Guided Inquiry to Teach the Stances

5つのスタンスを教えるために、教師のガイドによる探究的学習を使おう Using Guided Inquiry to Teach the Stances


In Your Own Classroom

Inquiry can be open-ended and student directed, or it can be guided by the teacher. As we saw in Malini’s kindergarten classroom, a guided inquiry provides an opportunity to balance social construction of new learning (in that case, about empathy) with clear, direct instruction about the concept.






We recommend the following cycle to introduce each stance:

  1. Study a text as a whole class. 全員がテキストから学ぶ
  2. Discover the concept. コンセプトを発見する
  3. Name the concept. コンセプトに名前をつける
  4. Reflect on and generalize the concept. コンセプトを振り返る、一般化する



Pezibear / Pixabay

Study a Text

There is a nearly inexhaustible list of texts that you could use to teach each stance. (We’ve listed some of our favorite resources in Appendix E.) In fact, we’ve found that many books could be used to teach multiple stances.





Your choices are not limited to books, either; you can use songs, video clips, advertisements, images, and even video games to teach the stances. Your students will quickly understand the concept of resilience if you try to learn one of their video games.



Everyone Can Learn to Ride a Bicycle, by Chris Rashcka (2013),


Since the options are so varied, we recommend looking for the following qualities when choosing a text to use in a guided inquiry:

  • Relevant
  • Accessible
  • Clear


Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay


Discover the Concept

You could explicitly tell students, “Today we’re going to study empathy,” but research has shown that students have a better understanding of a concept (and of a word that will be very new to most) when they discover it first for themselves.


PublicCo / Pixabay


Name the Concept

  • Say the word and definition on their own and then again in the context in which they were discovered. “Persistence means you try, try again. Max was persistent when he…”
  • Have students repeat the word and try it out on their own.
  • Draw a quick sketch with a memorable symbol to provide a visual association.


rawpixel / Pixabay

Reflect on and Generalize the Concept

To develop a deep understanding of a word and its associated meaning, students need to think and talk about the word in different contexts. The text you studied as a class provided one context, an introduction, but our goal is for students to use these stances across their days and across their lives.

このacross their livesの重さを感じます。教師の仕事は、across their livesなんです。成績でも、合格でもない。教師は、教育の真の目的をもっとはっきりともって、お互いの立場でそれに向かって取り組まなければならないのに、何か、国語教育、算数教育、健康教育、情報教育のように、分断されて、その真の目的が霞の奥の方へ取り残されているようです。

Huskyherz / Pixabay

