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Differentiated instructional strategies chp.2
Creating a Cllimate for Learning
They need to know that they belong in the classroom and that they are responsible for their own learning and behavior. This develops a self-directed learner who is confident in making the information his or her own.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
Effective teachers believe that there is potential in each learner and commit to finding the key that will unlock that potential.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
Feedback to success
- Great effort
- Well done
- You did it
- Your practice paid off
- I knew you could do it
- You’ve hit the mark
- Aren’t you proud of yourself
- You’ve got that down pat
- Nice going
- I never doubted you
Feedback to Encourage
- You’re on the way
- Keep practicing
- Keep trying
- You’ll get it
- One more time and you’ll have it
- I know you can
- You will
- Don’t stop now
- you’re on the right track
- Keep on trucking
- Try, try, try again
Teachers can make their classroom more thoughtful places by demonstrating in their actions that they welcome originality and differences of opinion.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
Classrooms everywhere must foster an inclusionary climate. It is essential that students bond with on another and with the teacher to form a positive learning community.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
–> Learning Communityというものが学校にはないですね。Differentiated Classroomでは、個のために、コミュニティがある。私たちの教室では、コミュニティのために個が奉仕しているイメージをもっています。コミュニティの存続や向上のほうが、個の向上よりも優先されている感じです。個の向上ができるから、コミュニティが存続する価値がある。それは、Differentiated Classroomのように、みんながそれぞれのことを学習して、必要に応じて緩やかにつながりを持っているから、そのような個のためのコミュニティという考えができるのだと思います。
Differentiated ClassroomのためのAgreemet, Trust Statements, or “Rules to live by”
- There is no wrong opinion.(間違っている意見はない)
- No put-downs or sarcasm here.(言い負かされないし、皮肉も言われない)
- Everyone must be heard.(みんな必ずきいてもらえる)
- Mistakes are learning points.(失敗は学習のポイント)
- 怖さを取り除く
- しっかりとしたポジティブな雰囲気を作る
- フィードバックを増やす
- ゴールを定める
- ポジティブな感情を活性化させる
Attending to routines, patterns, and clear expectations in the classroom lowers anticipantion anxiety that is created when students are uneasy about what to expect and the unknown.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
- Self-awareness(感情を感じたり、感情を名付けたりする力)
- Managing emotions(再構成したり、振り分けたりする力、適切に感じたり、反応したりする力)
- Self-motivation(やり続けたり、ゴールを設定したり、満足を先延ばしにしたりする力)
- Empathy(他の人のために感じる力)
- Social skill(感情の相互作用を読み取ったり、うまく使ったりすうのに使う能力)
Teachers need to allow time for students to ponder and come up with their own way to learn the information. Another way for students to have control of their learning is for the teacher to provide choice.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
It is up to the individual to decide to follow the rules or not. The decision of how to act is within his or her control.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
–> やはり、個のためのルールであり、集団形成のためのルールではない。阿部謹也さんの世の中の捉えにもつながります。
It is worth the time for teachers and parents to help students develop their self-regulatory competencies and encourage them to practice using them in all facets of their lives.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
Learners know that learning is a process and everyone learns differently. Learning includes weeding out what students know with effective pre-assessments and ongoing formative assessments to determine what students need next.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
This policy establishes a different mindset of being able to admit mistakes, accept lack of understanding, and celebrate successes and growth in an individual’s knowledge base.— AkihiroTomita (@AkihiroTomita) 2017年11月30日
- Wow. With three fingers on each hand, make a W on each side of the mouth.Open mouth to form the O and say, “Wow!”